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To do list?

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To do list?

Post by Hellfire »

Hi all.
I was just wondering how everyone sorts their to do list.
Is it a mental list, a physical one?
On paper or the computer?

I've just got some coloured index cards that I am planning on using for my to do list.
image.jpg (42.07 KiB) Viewed 5116 times
By using the cards I can alter the list, move things higher up the order to make or put them further back if I don't have the supplies.

I was thinking having 1 colour for current projects, 1 for project I want to do, 1 for projects that have a deadline, and 1 for crochet projects.

How are your to do lists sorted?
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Re: To do list?

Post by TigerLily »

It depends on my mood and the amount that needs to be on the list.

For any projects that need to be completed, I've made a spreadsheet in excel. If they are items that need to be finished by a certain date or anything, I put the date and I will colour-code them based on what is done and what is yet to be done. This is especially handy for any items that have been commissioned, in which case I will also put how much I am charging and estimated shipping costs. I'll also add an estimated time to completion in case I need to try to squeeze something else in if someone has a crochet emergency or something, haha. Granted, it has been a while since I've had a lot of commissioned projects at once, so I haven't had to depend on the excel sheet for a while now.

For individual projects that have several pieces or steps, I use a little notebook to jot stuff down as I go. For example, my current big WIP is that pixel blanket and while I am working on that I am writing down how many squares of each colour are completed as I go. The sheet of paper also includes hook size, yarn weight, approximations of how many squares I get out of a full skein, how many squares total that I need and some calculations of how much yarn I'll need to make a small border at the end.

I like your index card idea. The main reason I use an excel spreadsheet is because things are constantly being changed and editing in the computer was so much easier and less of a waste of paper. But having them on index cards and being able to move them around that way is definitely much more convenient that using a notebook. How will you be storing them? On a cork-board or inside a container or something else?

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Re: To do list?

Post by Aegidia »

I have a piece of paper - ok let's be honest, a stack of paper near my computer on which I jot down notes. Several lists of works in progress and planned works can usually be found there. I also keep track of my current and planned knitting and crochet projects on Ravelry, and I keep track of all my crafty WIP's on my blog. I started the blog specifically because I tend to have soooo many things going on at the same time, and I really want to decrease that and just work through my stash in a more regulated way. For planned projects, I tend to only really keep track of gifts/things with a deadline, and a few projects for which I specifically bought materials. Stash that I just bought because the yarn/fabric/whatever is nice, I do keep a list of ideas for those but I don't take it too seriously. The things I am interested in making change, so I'm no too strict with myself on following my planned projects list.

I like the idea of the index cards! Unfortunately, it would never work for me because I would keep coming up with new categories and associated colours, so I would spend more time rearranging the list than actually crafting ;)

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Re: To do list?

Post by Hellfire »

TigerLily wrote: How will you be storing them? On a cork-board or inside a container or something else?
I'm thinking inside a container in my desk, I'd run out of room on a cork board. I did have a pile of post it notes that had to do on the top of them that I had stuck to my wall. But they kept falling off :(
Thinking about it, I may have to get two containers, one for what I have on the go for on my desk. They other of what I want to do but haven't yet started to go in my desk drawer, I'll be too tempted to start something else otherwise (I have a bad habit of that).

Aegidia wrote:I like the idea of the index cards! Unfortunately, it would never work for me because I would keep coming up with new categories and associated colours, so I would spend more time rearranging the list than actually crafting ;)
Took my a while to find those 4 colours, might get some white ones too, just as a precaution if I do come up with another category. I'm finding writing my list onto the cards is getting more time than crafting at the moment.
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Re: To do list?

Post by HornyPig »

that sounds like a good ideia... i nvr rly tot about doing a do to list.. right now my "list" is a big box where i keep my projects... its a mess xD
and i guess i have a problem or something.. i got like 6, 7 projects that i still didnt finish D:
that sux...
might work on a to do list and hope it helps me finish my projects...

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Re: To do list?

Post by Clarington »

I don't really keep track of projects much since I'm rarely working on a deadline. WIPs just get stuffed in the craft cupboard until I've forgotten about them. Then when I'm looking for something to do, I rummage through the cupboard until I find something that strikes my fancy.

But, I'm completely in love with Microsoft OneNote for organizing everything else related to my crafting. For anyone who hasn't used it, it's like a digital notebook. You can create different notebooks (essentially tabs), add pages to each one, and unlike Microsoft Word that really wants you to fill the page with content from top down, you can add text or images anywhere on the page you want. I keep a notebook for each one of my crafts (cross stitch, crochet, perler, etc.). I add pages to track supplies - colours of perlers I own, counts of fabric... - as well as pages of inspiration - pictures of projects I saw online and loved, links to patterns or blogs, game screenshots I particularly like... you get the idea. I find that when I'm in a crafting rut, or looking for something to make for a specific person or occasion, I always come up with something to excite me by browsing through the pages.
I'm gettin' bloggy:

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Re: To do list?

Post by mbiogirlumd »

I'll have to try that! You've just described everything I would love to keep track of digitally myself!

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