Katamari Dresser!
rah-bop sent in this amazingly hand painted katamari dresser… very impressive!
rah-bop sent in this amazingly hand painted katamari dresser… very impressive!
Josh sent in this sweet megaman wall hanging…Its made of 1″ squares of card stock paper (403 to be exact). He put a battery powered reading light behind the pellet for the glowing effect. He said it took him 5 … Continued
punzie is at it again with this awesome toad baby blanket…tons of amazing quilts/pillows in her etsy shop. via [wonderland]
sherezada, a bay area local (woot!), finished up an awesome Kirby cross stitch towel! Kirby Cross Stitch Pattern she used… …make sure you check out her Han Solo Cross Stitch too! via [hand/eye/mind/mouth]
Katie Kutthroat delves deep into the psyches of mario and luigi… via [Needles and Pins]
awesome. so awesome. I’m somewhat annoyed that they couldn’t make these trays so that there weren’t any single cubes…but, I guess I’ll forgive them. via [geekologie]
beautiful. (by punzie on etsy) via [wonderland]