Two Awesome Quilts by Semsem
Remember Excitebike? And who doesn’t love Captain Picard? 😀 via[TheSpriteStitchForum]
Remember Excitebike? And who doesn’t love Captain Picard? 😀 via[TheSpriteStitchForum]
Via [Copiously Geeky]
here is a sample of what Arcade Art had been up to lately…
these cross stitches of bowser, mario, and excitebike are from a japanese blog… sent in by Hiroko! (our japanese corespondent)
skinny coder is amazing. these Lego scenes are just about perfectly done… more Lego scenes on his Flickr Set! via [geekologie]
nestography. nes screens with heartfelt comments… other ones I like…Spy Hunter and Zelda!