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skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

A belated happy Thanksgiving! That looks great!!! Were you able to gift it when your friend stopped by?
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving as well. She hasn't gotten her license yet. Seems the classes in this area are pretty full until the new year. However, a friend of hers was saying she could do part of the test/training online, and head a couple of hours away to finish, where they have more openings. She just found out about this, so as of Friday when she stopped by, she hadn't had a chance to look into it yet. But she planned to. So more than likely, before the year is out she'll have her license. Good news is whenever she does get it, I have the picture in my possession to present to her.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Fingers crossed that that all works out for her!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Got word she passed! So just coordinating a time when she can swing by to pick up her picture or I can drop it off. Not surprising, things are going to be hectic the next week or so, but we'll figure something out.

Also got word Flipull got accepted for AGDQ prizes. You can see it on the prize list here ... s/AGDQ2025 and just dropped it off at the post office.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Yay!!!! To both things!

Merry Christmas!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :)

Merry Christmas!

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Hope everyone had a good New Year's.

Looks like they're still finalizing some of the prizes at AGDQ 2025, but mine is set. Early in the week this time. Be available from about 10:30 p.m. Sunday night California time until about 10:30 a.m. Monday morning. See it listed at ... s/AGDQ2025 and the schedule of the event at

Haven't had a chance yet to deliver the motorcycle picture, but we'll work something out. And Spirit Tracks is coming along quite nicely. Plan to have an update on that on Sunday.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

So I had the idea for the tagline/the text a while ago. That was the easy part. What took some research and digging was finding a case where it was true, in particular on the NES because that's the easiest to stitch (easy 1:1 pixel to stitch ratio and limited colors). A common joke among speedrunners is that when they die or do something unintended/detrimental, they did it on purpose to manipulate the RNG. Without getting too technical, computers aren't really random, they can't generate true random outcomes. So games and programs have ways to simulate random results, called Random Number Generators, or RNG. Depending on the game or program, one might be able to manipulate the RNG by performing certain actions, changing the order they do things, etc. Dying is rarely the case, but I was able to find an instance where it was actually used to manipulate a desired outcome: at about the 5:56 mark (warning: some casual swearing). If you really care what's going on, the wherefore and why, do a search for "super mario bros 3 early hammer". The technique used, dying in that spot and all is obsolete, but about three years ago, it was a legit method based on the knowledge at the time. So yes, the text is the funny part and speedrunners will get it and all, but it is also a true statement, which was exactly what I was looking for when I first came up with the line and starting looking into things.

Also included is the full screenshot from which my pattern was derived. Actually played the game myself to try to die in as close a position as shown in the video above. Took several tries, but playing on the computer/with an emulator, I could slow things down, rewind, use a variety of tools to get the shot I wanted. So really looking forward to not only stitching this, but having it shown off at SGDQ. Super Mario Bros. 3 is a little more known than Flipull, so that'll help. And Mario is one of the more popular franchises run at GDQ events, so it is quite possible this will be part of a prime time
showcase. We'll see.

We'll see how long stitching this takes. Much less involved than King Zora from last year, though not as simple as most of my AGDQ prizes. All the threads I already had, so that helped. In fact, because I used the sprite of Mario from SMB3 as part of a previous SGDQ prize, I could just look up what colors I used there. Did have to order the cloth, but that was easy enough and we got it a couple of weeks ago. Got a light blue cloth, so we won't have to stitch any of the background sky, which was the idea to save time and effort. Going to be out of town the weekend of February 8-9, so my tentative plan is to start in the lower right corner, which is unusual for me, so that I can do some of the outlines of the blocks now, which I'll want the pattern pulled up and be looking at, and work on filling in the blocks while I'm gone, which is mindless filling and doesn't require looking at the pattern. So, tomorrow we'll measure our cloth, get things cut and begin stitching and go from there.
Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG1) [!]-19.png
Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG1) [!]-19.png (2.83 KiB) Viewed 1965 times
sgdq 2025 smb3.png
sgdq 2025 smb3.png (2.22 KiB) Viewed 1965 times

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Ohhh...this looks fun! Happy stitching!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Yeah, I really like this one. Mostly because of the background research, the fact that I was able to find a case of death being used for RNG manipulation that I am able to stitch. We are making great progress so far. Have most of the outline of the bottom block done (will need to move the hoop left to do the rest), Mario is done and the fireball is done. Done about half a column of fill of the bottom block and that's what we'll work on this weekend time permitting. Still got quite a ways to go, but I think finishing near the end of February, maybe a little into March, seems reasonable. AGDQ project will be a lot quicker as I said, so middle/late March, we should be back on Spirit Tracks.

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