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Pattern Keeper

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:47 am
by Firehawke
Hey guys...Pattern Keeper just had a big update, and now seems to be fairly compatible with KG-Chart and Sprite Stitch patterns! I say fairly, because I've only tried a couple of patterns I've made with KG-Chart and only a couple of patterns from Sprite Stitch.

I was able to successfully import the Eleventh Doctor Stained Glass (just needed to manually input the colors, but that's easy).

I did have a little trouble with the Grey Havens Stained Glass .pdf. I ended up grabbing the .sth file that was in the post, changed it to black and white (just in case the issues was the fact that it's a very large pattern, with many full colored pages), and then turned it into a fresh .pdf...imported just fine and just needed numbers :yahoo:

Any other PK users out there?!?!?