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Where do you cross stitch?

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Where do you cross stitch?

Post by jworek528 »

I've found that after I've been stitching for a while my back starts to hurt. I usually stitch in my bed cause I can balance the end of my q snap on a pillow. But I've also tried on the couch and even at the dining table. So I was just wondering where yinz sat to do your stitching and if anyone has tips to help prevent lower back pain while stitching.

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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by rbaron »

I find that my back hurts less if I keep my feet up, and can lean back (with the light at a good angle for that.)

Also, I'm all about taking advice, too, so I'll be keeping my eye on this thread ^_^
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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by SunkistShiek »

I cross stitch on my couch. It doesn't seem to bother me too much, but I do kind of wish I were either a little taller or the couch arms were a little shorter. I tend to rest my project on the arm and it's sometimes inconvenient, but I don't have another place that accommodates a really long frame.
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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by Firehawke »

I stitch while sitting on my recliner. I either have my feet stretched out in front of my or my legs crossed.
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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by LinkIsMyHomeboy »

If hubby is home, I'll be sitting in my recliner in the living room. If he's not home, I usually post up in my recliner in my craft room or in the bed in our bedroom. Sometimes, on weekends with nice weather, I'll sit on the front or back porch.

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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by drdenman »

I do most of my sewing during college lectures and church sermons... So at a desk or in a pew. This isn't a good way to avoid neck pain, btw...
At home it's on the couch or the floor while listening to a movie or Tall Guy's video games. Neither of which are great for neck/back pain, or good lighting...

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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by Eliste »

For me, its all about posture. If I bend over my work, then I have lower back pain. Doesn't matter where I am, that's what happens.

So I change that by raising my work. Usually, that means raising it in my arms, but sometimes I'll use a lapstand. Avoiding back pain is all about avoiding hunching over for me, so I have elevate my stitching so that I don't do that. I've found the easiest for me is on the couch, because I lay back and can raise it up in the crook of my arm and its comfortable there.

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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by Mallybird »

Eliste wrote:For me, its all about posture. If I bend over my work, then I have lower back pain. Doesn't matter where I am, that's what happens.

So I change that by raising my work. Usually, that means raising it in my arms, but sometimes I'll use a lapstand. Avoiding back pain is all about avoiding hunching over for me, so I have elevate my stitching so that I don't do that. I've found the easiest for me is on the couch, because I lay back and can raise it up in the crook of my arm and its comfortable there.
That is my problem and solution exactly! I have a lot of neck issues and find that if I sit with my head in a downward angle I end the evening in a lot of pain. My family likes to remind me when I forget but I find that I just have to be very deliberate about keeping my head up. Sometimes I'll stitch at my dining room table (though it feels wrong to sit with my elbows on the table, lol). The couch is good for me because I can prop my elbow up on the arm.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by Jennuh »

At home, at work, in the car when bf is driving, everywhere. It's really bad so I'm always in pain. I should keep an eye on this thread too lol.
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Re: Where do you cross stitch?

Post by BadgerSensei »

I cross stitch while sitting on the floor. I have a comfy floor chair that I use to lean back with and so it's more comfortable. I have a floor lamp that my best friend bought me that I angle right above me to provide adequate lighting. Then I watch TV on my computer or tablet, mostly my computer. Right next to it I have a magnetic board that stands up and I can put my pattern on. It's quite comfortable. I use scroll frames to stitch because I find them easier than a hoop and I like them much better. Because I use a scroll frame I will often either rest it on my stomach and stitch that way. It's quite comfortable to me.

The reason I like the floor so much is because I used to live in Japan and I got used to sitting on the floor for very long periods of time, and now sitting in a chair isn't every as comfortable as I am smol and chairs do not fit me. So the floor fits me the best. Lol
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