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Filling in boxes?

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Re: Filling in boxes?

Post by RMDC »

When I print patterns, I print them in B&W and sometimes take a highlighter to the squares I do. However, I rarely print patterns now. I mostly use my Nook HD+ to view them in PDF. I don't annotate the PDF to show what I've done or anything. Nowadays what I do is grid out the aida with washable blue embroidery marker. It doesn't prevent mistakes 100%, but it does give me a handle on where I am. It also helps me keep from marking up kit patterns.
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Re: Filling in boxes?

Post by Firehawke »

I don't mark up patterns as I'm working on them. I find that marking patterns can be distracting for me...I recently finished a pattern that my mom had started and she marked things out with a pencil, so not only did I have the distraction, but also a slight glare from the pencil lead, which wasn't always the best for my head.
I have one of those boards with the magnetic long and two short. I use them to block off the area that I'm currently working on, so it's easier to keep track of where I'm at.

As for black and white vs. color patterns...I prefer color whenever possible, especially since I tend to like big patterns :P
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Re: Filling in boxes?

Post by SofaraStarfyre »

I use black and white patterns to save on the colored ink, and I highlight what I've done with a marker so I can see what I've already done and as some others have said, it helps me see how much more there is to go, as well as keeps me from doing the same part over again.

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Re: Filling in boxes?

Post by SunkistShiek »

Thanks so much for your guys' input. It's nice to have somewhere I can go to collaborate on different techniques on things. I may have to try marking off stitches on patterns on the next project I do. I would do it on the couple I've started, but I'm afraid that I'd screw it up and mark the wrong ones. Then it'd be all kinds of trouble!
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