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Cross Stitching Tips

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:05 am
by PinkPoodle
I'm pretty sure most of you already do something like this, but my friend shared some tips with me and I thought they were very helpful.
- When working on a detailed pattern, block off a 10x10 section on your pattern and focus only on that. When you're completely done with the 10x10 section, move on to the next.
- Thread "parking." When working with more than one color in a complicated section, "park" your thread color until you need it again. Basically you pull the thread through the front of your work and let it dangle until you need it again. This works great because you don't have to keep finishing off your thread and re-starting it.

Do any of you have helpful cross stitch tips? Please share them!

Re: Cross Stitching Tips

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:46 am
by Knittenkitten
If you're like me, you tend to work one page at a time and work one color at a time for that page. I find it helpful to use a highlighter to mark off the stitches that I've already done as some of the colors can be quite close together in shading.

Re: Cross Stitching Tips

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:14 pm
by PinkPoodle
A highlighter is a great idea! I use a sticky note to help me keep track, but I might try a highlighter.

Re: Cross Stitching Tips

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:59 am
by Kamfer
I like to use black and white patterns, and use a pencil to mark what I've done. Easy to see what I've done and what's left.

Re: Cross Stitching Tips

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:26 am
by Ehlyah
Ditto on one colour at a time. I tried parking but I got threads tangled so it wasn't ideal.
The highlighter is my friend.