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skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Even with a visit from the frog, you are zooming right along!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, we're almost there. Stitched today already and all we have left is the "I", the "F", about half of the top of the text box and about half of the left side. The Artery is open tomorrow, so we'll do some stitching and see how things go. I can easily finish Wednesday, but if it looks like I just need an extra half hour or so, we may finish up tomorrow. Already stitched my signature, so remembered that/don't have to worry about that. So just the last little bit of text/the text box. Minor hiccup a couple of days ago when, working right to left, as I was starting the second "E" in "asleep", I discovered there's a two square gap between the E's, rather than just one like between the E and P. So we had to undo 8-10 stitches, but not a big deal. Otherwise, been cruising along. Text box has been easy work since it's just straight lines, but I knew there was a lot of stitches involved, so knew it would take some time. But think we started it Thursday, maybe Friday, so it hasn't taken as long as I thought. Any way you slice it, though, we're finishing ahead of my original schedule slightly and will be jumping into Wind Waker Wednesday or Thursday.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Current project done and in the hands of The Artery. Dropped it off this afternoon, so it's up to them now. AGDQ is the second week of January (tentative schedule of games is out at . There are two Metal Gear Solid games being run at different times, so my prize will likely be available during one of those, but we'll see what they decide), so they've got some time, but also know there is a deadline. While there, I got to see a WIP of Twilight Princess and that's almost ready to go. Frame is in, have things stretched out and all, so I guess just a matter of putting it all together? So that should be done shortly. Or they may focus on this project because there is a deadline and finish TP afterwards. They know their stuff, so we'll let them take care of it. But no real hang ups finishing this. And we finished ahead of our original schedule by a few days, though we did put in some extra work some days. On the other hand, we also lost 3 or 4 days having to do/undo/redo the dirt to the right of the soldier, which counts on our working time, but meant we could have finished last week likely with our extra work. 52 days working on this, few days more than an hour of work, I'd prolly clock this at about 56, 57 hours. Bottom half definitely had quite a bit of stitching to do, and wasn't just endless lines because of small gaps for color changes or black squares, so this did take a bit more than most/all of my other prizes. But, we got it finished, a classic line from a classic NES game, I think it will go over well at AGDQ and can't wait to see what the final product looks like.

And with that, we turn our attention to Wind Waker, our next Zelda project. Not as big as Twilight Princess or as filled in, so won't take as long/be as challenging, but still quite a bit to it. If nothing else, the pattern is all black and white, rather than color, so we'll see what kind of difference/how much of a difference that makes as far as keeping things straight. I'd say not much, as I'm generally looking at the shapes anyway (as noted with Twilight Princess, so many of the colors were so similar, it's nearly impossible to tell one from one another). As for what it will look like, we can see that on these very boards over at ... f=7&t=1769 . So credit to @mfay for creating it and doing all the hard work. :) The boat/sailing is a key component to the game, so those had to be part of the pattern I chose and the look is very much straight from the game. Nintendo caught flak at the time for using cel-shading for the art style, but from what I've read, it allowed them to more easily show expressions and convey things better than with something like Twilight Princess. Anyway, should be a good one to work on. Did have to order the last color I was missing, but that arrived a couple of days ago, so we are all set. Timing-wise, prolly get things set up tomorrow/this week and really begin on Sunday, just to make it easier to keep track of how long we're working on this, but we'll see.
agdq 2023 done 11-9-22 IMG_20221109_105627.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Realized I'd forgotten to include the colors I used. Don't really expect anyone else to stitch this, but it is certainly available to all. And who knows, maybe there are some Metal Gear or classic NES fans out there who would want this hanging on their wall. Either that, or somebody who just wants the world to know that sometimes, they feel asleep. :) As usual, all colors are DMC.

so the text (including the Zs of the soldier) is favorite BLANC
light grey of the jeep is 168
dark grey of the jeep and the soldier's pants is 645
dirt is 781
light/lime green of the leaves is 702
dark green of the leaves is 319
skin tone of the soldier is 745

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

:clapping: It looks fantastic!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Came out looking like the picture, which is all we really want. :) With these screenshots, since I'm picking the colors, never know how they'll really turn out until I start stitching, but think what we chose here worked just fine.

Wind Waker is coming right along. Another week or so, we'll get a WIP pic up in my other thread. But Mom looked at what I had done so far a couple of days ago and said "oh, that looks like a boat", so I must be doing something right. :) Started in the lower left corner, so we've got most of the back of the boat done, some of the water underneath and actually, part of the outline of Link's arm, so another week, we should have stuff to look at/easy to tell what we're looking at.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Here's our donation prize for AGDQ 2023 all framed and completed. Got it back in plenty of time to be shipped off and all, so no issues there. Also means they'll have it in time to show live on camera when they show off the prizes available. Believe there's a couple of Metal Gear Solid games being run this year, so we'll see when they make my prize available (schedule and other details of the event can be found at ). I just fill out the application/send the picture in, they decide when it's available. But I'm pleased with how it turned out, it's a classic line from a classic NES game. The series really took off with Metal Gear Solid for the Playstation, but I think plenty of people know it's roots on the NES. So I think a retro/NES fan will be happy to have it hanging on their wall.
agdq 2023 framed IMG_1409.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Such a fantastic looking project! And another great framing job!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) I agree. This was actually a pretty quick turnaround, though they knew there was a deadline, but in general, these take a little while to get back. However, it is definitely worth it to me. They take care of all the stretching, blocking, all the prep stuff prior to the framing, plus frame itself and that's definitely worth the extra time/expense. I could get a faster/cheaper place, but I know they'll do it right. And supporting a local, family-owned business is good, too. I get final say, of course, in frame style/color, matte, etc., but they're good at knowing what to suggest, pulling two or three possibles for me to decide among, etc. So mad points to The Artery and we'll include too, on the of chance that someone reading this down the road can benefit from their services.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Took until Wednesday for GDQ to get back to me and say they wanted my prize, but we were able to get it shipped off. According to the tracker, it's supposed to get to them today. Mentioned previously that there are two Metal Gear Solid games being run this event, one on Sunday evening, the other Thursday evening, and I suspected they'd put my prize available during one of those. Personally, I was hoping for the Thursday game. A) While it's supposed to arrive today (as of last night, it was in Dulles, VA. It's going to Lorton, VA. I have no idea how close together those are and if there's another step in the shipping process before it's "out for delivery"), things happen. And since the post office doesn't deliver Sundays, if they don't get it today, they don't get until Monday at the earliest. Which would be after the Sunday night game. Now they do have a picture of it to show, but the real thing is always better. B) If they waited until Thursday, there was a chance they might have it displayed in the background throughout the week. Marathon starts tomorrow and they might have it up for tomorrow's runs, but by tomorrow night, it would be taken down for prizes that were still available to win. And C) I'm off Thursday night, so would have a chance live to see it being shown off. Whether some or all of those entered into their thought process, they did in fact put it available during Thursday's MGS game

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