Need to see where we are with Minish Cap, but seem to recall we've still got around 2 months worth of work still to do on it. So end of July we finish? We'll see. It's for me, so we aren't on a deadline, so we can take our time/there's no pressure. But we will jump back into that tomorrow and see how it goes.
As for upcoming projects, mentioned last time we have a pattern for Spirit Tracks, so that'll be our next Zelda game (and second to last, unless I happen to acquire a more modern console/beat another game in the series). I also worked out a pattern for SGDQ 2025. Easy part was coming up with the text/theme. Took a little digging to find a game/scenario that fit. What I depict is outdated, but will serve its purpose. So I have that all set. Need to go color shopping, still, but we won't be working on it until February or March, so we have time. Actually, need to go color shopping for Spirit Tracks, too, but we have time for that as well.
colors used should anyone else want to stitch this:
text: BLANC
dark brownish of blobs: 434
light brownish/fill of the blobs: 945
heart: 3837