And the last of the quick projects (for now) is done. Took a couple of days longer than expected to finish, but hardly a big deal. All told, about 31 hours, so right in line with my other donation projects. Today being the 4th of July, figured The Artery would be closed (and they are closed Mondays), so didn't do a big push to get it finished earlier. Be out and about tomorrow anyway, so we'll drop it off then. Useless trivia: the title screen was actually correct in the Japanese version, the typo/mistake was introduced when they brought it to the US. Anyway, as expected, no real issues or tricky spots with this one; a bulk of the time was stitching the blue title. I did actually have to go out and get more of the blue (left over from a previous project, so wasn't a full skein), but was able to pick it up at Michael's and not lose any time. But we have this done and will have it back well before the end of December/start of January, so we don't have to mad dash to get it to GDQ this time. Which was the idea. And gives us the next 8ish months to work continually on our next Zelda project.
Which will be Minish Cap. See the attached for what we will be stitching. This is another big one, comparable in size to Twilight Princess (this is 125x235, TP was 136x200). However, I do have a plan that will save at least a few hundred stitches. All around the stained glass is white. Pattern calls to stitch all that, but I figure if I just use white cloth, I can save those stitches. Along the top edge, there is some off-white stitching in a pattern to add color/texture/whatever and I do plan to stitch that. But the rest of the background we'll skip at the start. I think I actually need to do it, it doesn't look right or whatever, we can go ahead and stitch it, too. But with all the colors (which I do have. Was actually able to buy all but one color in one shopping trip, and picked up the last color while I was getting the extra blue I needed for Zanac) and the main part of the picture still being quite sizeable, we are looking at finishing sometime the middle of next year. But because I have the next 8 months free, I'll be able to make a lot of progress and be able to keep track of where I am without interruptions for the smaller projects. Doubt we'll finish before we need to work on our SGDQ 2024 prize in March or so, but we should be able to knock out a vast majority of it. But looking forward to giving this a go. Lot of colors, so imagine we'll be doing a lot of switching, which takes extra time, but we'll see. Does seem like there are quite a few chunks of colors, so we aren't doing stitches here and there like TP. So tomorrow will be a busy day in the stitching world: dropping off one project to be framed and beginning a new one.