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skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) First projects, Mom and I framed ourselves and they looked okay, but I'm glad I've had subsequent projects professionally framed. A) Get to support a local business (shameless plug The Artery ) and B) they do such a great job and come up with some great ideas of colors and such to really enhance the picture. As I said, we went with a little different frame for Wind Waker, one with some texturing that I think will add to the picture. So looking forward to how that comes out.

Meantime, making great progress in our copy of this pic. Had to undo/redo a couple of rows of block filling this morning, otherwise, we'd have two of the blocks filled. As it is, we'll finish filling blocks Thursday without too much trouble. I've done Mario's hat and face, so Friday-Sunday or thereabout, we'll finish off Mario and the pillar behind him. Finishing Saturday is a possibility, but I can see us finishing Sunday fairly easily.

And for those wondering, my prize is available late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning mere $25 gets you a chance to win it.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Ended up doing some extra work yesterday (what else are days off for?), so we did finish this a bit earlier than expected. Couple minor hiccups filling in the blocks in having to undo/redo a couple of rows, but overall, no major mistakes to fix or anything. Tomorrow we'll drop it off at The Artery and we'll see if I go with the same color scheme as the one I donated to GDQ or choose to go with a different color for the matte or something. What we did worked and looked good, but maybe something else will strike my fancy.

And with this project done, we turn our attention to our AGDQ 2024 prize, just to get it done and out of the way so A) we don't have to worry about getting it back two days before the marathon starts and B) we can spend the next few months focusing on our next Zelda project. Be in communication with a person on the Sprite Stitch board and while she hasn't been feeling well of late, has shown me a draft of her Spirit Tracks pattern and is going to see about finishing it by the time I finish my AGDQ prize in a few weeks. And speaking of that prize, see the attached for what we are going to be stitching. Simple pattern, but will take the usual 4ish weeks because of a lot of filling in. Typos and bad translations happen all the time and I've highlighted a few in my past AGDQ prizes. Usually, though, these are at the end game or well into the game. Zanac, a top down shooter doesn't have much text, so decided to mess things up about the only place they had a chance: on the title screen. Also included is the full shot of the title screen for a little context, but yes, Zanac was "desinded" by Compile. How no one caught that, I have no idea, but it'll make for a fun picture I think.

As for my SGDQ prize, the time it was available to win got bumped up to about 1:15 a.m. Thursday morning my time and I wasn't up at that time. VODs are up for the games in that segment, but I'm not seeing a dedicated prize highlight section. Starting at roughly 3 a.m. local time, I can see the prize host not being up then, but sometime in the middle at a more reasonable hour would have been possible. VODs for the first part of the week do have interviews and prize segments as separate videos, so that might end up being the case here, but we'll see. Between runs, my picture was shown with the other prizes in a rotation to show what was available, so people could see it, but always nice to have it highlighted specifically. But I'll keep tabs on the playlist as it gets updated,
zanac-1.png (2.8 KiB) Viewed 3897 times
zanac title screen.png
zanac title screen.png (1.19 KiB) Viewed 3897 times
sgdq 2023 for myself done 6-2-23 IMG_20230602_154153.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

And we are moving right along. There was thought of finishing in three weeks total, but that's a bit too ambitious. However, finishing in another two weeks (four weeks total) seems rather doable. We're 15 hours in and are just knocking out all the blue now. Granted, there's a lot of it, but you can see we've got two of the letters of Zanac finished. The little bit of blue under the "N" is part of the lower arm of the "Z" but is there just so I could easily find my place above the "A.I." and get things lined up. So this is why we're starting in the middle of Zanac rather than one of the ends. Because the text at the bottom basically forms our left and right edges, that was an easier starting point. And also, I got all the other colors besides blue done, so no more having to switch colors. Granted, there's only 5 colors used in this picture, but not switching is still simpler.

Better late than never, GDQ finally got to uploading the video of the prize segment with my prize in it a few days ago ... AJu4&t=415 (about the 6:57 mark if the video doesn't go straight there). Alas, as it was the middle of "Silly Block", it, and the other prizes, maybe didn't get their due, but it was still featured and highlighted. I hope a fan of the NES gets it to hang on their wall and I'm looking forward to the final framed version of my copy of it.

Because we're close to finishing this and I haven't gotten a finished pattern for Spirit Tracks yet (not a complaint. I know the good folks here are doing it in their free time, have other stuff going, etc. And doing Minish Cap first will alleviate some of the pressure/an upcoming deadline), my plan at this point is to start gathering colors for Minish Cap (and there's a bunch. 90ish if I'm counting right) and do that as my next project. This is going to be another fairly large one (235x125), though I have a plan to save likely a few hundred stitches. Still going to take several months, but don't think it'll be as long as Twilight Princess.
agdq 2024 wip 6-18-23 IMG_20230618_154057.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

You are zooming right along! Good luck gathering colors for Minish Cap!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. Obviously a simple pattern and we've gotten the easy stuff out of the way first (we've also already signed it, so now I'm obligated to finish it this year :) ). The blue will still take some time, but it's not complicated, so that's a nice bit of a break. Not sure I'll finish the other "A" tomorrow, but if not, first thing Thursday. Looks like where the hoop is currently, I can do all of the "Z", so we'll be able to do most of what's left before moving the hoop. Week from Saturday is still my tentative goal, but we'll see how things go this week.

Very successful shopping trip at Michael's today. I had 12 or 13 of the colors for Minish Cap already (including a couple that I have some, but not a lot, so went ahead and picked up another skein of those. Pattern doesn't indicate stitch counts per color, so not sure how much of each color I'll need, but with so many colors, I'm expecting a lot of changing and a lot of bits and pieces here and there. But we'll see in a couple of weeks once we get going on it) but was able to buy every other color I need except for 1. Considering how many colors the pattern calls for, I call that darn good. And the one color I couldn't get is one they carry, they were just out. I can order it, but paying $2.50 to ship a $0.65 skein of thread seems a little silly. And I don't have any other patterns planned to order more colors to make the shipping more worthwhile. So we'll check in every few days and see if Michael's gets more. Prolly even leave my name and email so they can get in touch with me when they get some in or something. And they still don't have it after a couple of weeks or so, we can go ahead and order it, just so we have it/have all the colors so we stitch without interruption. Already have the fabric, so we are otherwise ready to go once we finish Zanac (side note, was looking up something else and just for kicks looked at Note the Regional Differences. They spelled "designed" correctly on the Japanese version, but for whatever reason, managed to misspell it for the US version. Which frankly, makes the mistake even funnier).

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

And the last of the quick projects (for now) is done. Took a couple of days longer than expected to finish, but hardly a big deal. All told, about 31 hours, so right in line with my other donation projects. Today being the 4th of July, figured The Artery would be closed (and they are closed Mondays), so didn't do a big push to get it finished earlier. Be out and about tomorrow anyway, so we'll drop it off then. Useless trivia: the title screen was actually correct in the Japanese version, the typo/mistake was introduced when they brought it to the US. Anyway, as expected, no real issues or tricky spots with this one; a bulk of the time was stitching the blue title. I did actually have to go out and get more of the blue (left over from a previous project, so wasn't a full skein), but was able to pick it up at Michael's and not lose any time. But we have this done and will have it back well before the end of December/start of January, so we don't have to mad dash to get it to GDQ this time. Which was the idea. And gives us the next 8ish months to work continually on our next Zelda project.

Which will be Minish Cap. See the attached for what we will be stitching. This is another big one, comparable in size to Twilight Princess (this is 125x235, TP was 136x200). However, I do have a plan that will save at least a few hundred stitches. All around the stained glass is white. Pattern calls to stitch all that, but I figure if I just use white cloth, I can save those stitches. Along the top edge, there is some off-white stitching in a pattern to add color/texture/whatever and I do plan to stitch that. But the rest of the background we'll skip at the start. I think I actually need to do it, it doesn't look right or whatever, we can go ahead and stitch it, too. But with all the colors (which I do have. Was actually able to buy all but one color in one shopping trip, and picked up the last color while I was getting the extra blue I needed for Zanac) and the main part of the picture still being quite sizeable, we are looking at finishing sometime the middle of next year. But because I have the next 8 months free, I'll be able to make a lot of progress and be able to keep track of where I am without interruptions for the smaller projects. Doubt we'll finish before we need to work on our SGDQ 2024 prize in March or so, but we should be able to knock out a vast majority of it. But looking forward to giving this a go. Lot of colors, so imagine we'll be doing a lot of switching, which takes extra time, but we'll see. Does seem like there are quite a few chunks of colors, so we aren't doing stitches here and there like TP. So tomorrow will be a busy day in the stitching world: dropping off one project to be framed and beginning a new one.
agdq 2024 done 7-4-23 IMG_20230704_155057.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Realized I forgot to list the colors for my Zanac picture, so we'll rectify that now. As noted when we started, there's only 5 colors, so a very simple project, and the vast majority of your time is spent on the blue.

white of text - BLANC
light grey of the text - 168
dark grey of the text - 317
Zanac - 518
light pink text - 819

Went to drop the picture off this morning, but the gal at The Artery that does the framing is out of town for a couple of days. So, we'll hold onto it for now and swing by again Friday or Saturday. Meanwhile, got our cloth measured and cut and have done a half dozen stitches on Minish Cap, so we're officially underway. Plan to do another half hour or so of stitching this afternoon to really get the ball rolling.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

And here's our copy of this year's SGDQ prize. As you can see, went with a little different frame color. The Artery recently got several new colors, so this was a chance to try one out. Black still seems to be the best color frame for most situations/pictures, but going with the aquamarine works here.
sgdq 2023 for myself framed IMG_20230709_154602.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Ooooh....I like it with the aquamarine!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, prolly not a lot of uses for an aquamarine frame, but sure goes well here. Certainly have my usual frame and matte style and such, but it's interesting some of the varieties they've come up with (aquamarine frame here, rippled frame for Wind Waker, yellow thread border for Four Swords Adventure, etc.). We're obviously months away from Minish Cap being done, but I'm already curious what they'll look to highlight/feature/compliment because it has so many colors.

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