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skater43 stitches Zelda games

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

It's coming along great!!! And it sounds like you have a lot of fun stitchy plans ahead of you!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, it's getting there. Obviously, day to day I don't see much change but these pics every 2-4 weeks does allow to see some real progress. Actually, this week has been going great. Been working on a huge patch of black for the wolf nose, so it's all one color which is saving me time not having to switch colors. And it's a block/chunk, so altogether and lots of rows/columns, rather than specks here and there. By the 31st, we're going to have a large section of this hoop done, which is awesome. In addition, looking at my pattern pages and such, I discovered that the bottom of the hoop is only 15-20 stitches from the bottom edge of the project, so we're closer to the lower left corner than I thought. Still a year+ away from a final date, but things aren't looking quite as daunting.

AGDQ will be a nice quick project, but think it'll do well. Had the colors I needed, though I haven't made final choices yet. White for the text is set, but I need a couple of purples, so once I start stitching, I'll do some comparing/contrasting, see what works well together. So these two projects are set as far as definitely going to do. After that, we've got options. Minish Cap or Wind Waker will be the next Zelda project. Got an idea for a tribute to the NES, but that's likely a pretty big one and will require a fair amount of planning and figuring to make the pattern. Have an idea for a new commercial project should Castlevania sell, or I may use it for SGDQ. But yeah, got some good stuff on tap, definitely have enough to keep me busy the next few years. :)

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

So here's where we're pausing this project for a couple of weeks. Actually, I worked on it a bit today after taking the picture, just to fill in some of the holes about the middle of the hoop, especially on the left side. Think I did sufficient work so that when we resume, I will be able to place the hoop in such a way that we can do the lower left corner and set the bottom edge. The bottom is only 16 squares below the lowest bits of black that we see here, so we're close to finishing one side/finding our second corner. These past two weeks have been rather productive thanks to the large patch of black. I'd hoped it'd be more recognizable as the wolf's nose that it is, but the nostrils were just off the bottom left of the hoop, so you'll just have to use your imaginations. :) But because I wasn't having to change colors, and the stitching was in more defined rows/columns, work went much faster on the black part than other spots. Won't say we'll finish the corner section by the end of November, but by the end of the year, we'll definitely have finished the corner and started at least working our way across the bottom of the picture. Which means mid-January or so, we'll have to decide whether to continue along the bottom, go around the edge completely before filling in the middle, or go up and down in columns and just work our way to the right. Inclined towards the latter, now that I'm getting a feel for keeping my place and using the other colors to tell where I am, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

In the meantime, we have our AGDQ 2022 project to begin (see attached). Infamous quote from Mega Man 6 for the NES (game came out in 1994, you'd think by that time, Capcom would have hired somebody to check for things like this, but apparently not). I'm also including the original screenshot I took it from. I moved Mr. X up to give some context/have something to look at besides the text, but made no other alterations. I have several purples that I've set aside for this, but I haven't made any final decisions yet on which I'll use. More than likely, I'll start in that corner/with Mr. X to get those colors picked and things set (since white for the text is a given/already decided). Mostly text so I don't expect this to take more than a couple of weeks, which will give The Artery 4-5 weeks to get it framed in time. So, that's how we'll be spending the first part of November, then we'll jump back to Twilight Princess and carry on with that for the next few months.
twilight princess wip 10-31-21 IMG_20211031_112133193.jpg
megaman6-112.png (2.28 KiB) Viewed 3440 times
agdq 2022 mm6.png
agdq 2022 mm6.png (1.13 KiB) Viewed 3440 times

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Gotta love it when typos become infamous :P Happy stitching!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

I do love it, because they become fun things to stitch for AGDQ in the spirit of Awful Block. :) WIP picture in my other thread, but things coming right along and looking to finish it up the end of this week. Next goal is then finishing the lower left corner of TP by the end of the year.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Been a very productive three weeks. As you can see, we've turned/done the corner in the lower left of the project, so have an idea of the height of the project. I was anxious to get that corner done, so moved the hoop there, got it all mostly filled and as you can see now, have gone back up a little to fill in some of the gaps. I was hoping to do the corner by the end of the year, so we are definitely ahead of that schedule. Currently doing a bit in the upper right part of the hoop, little bit of a gap to fill in there. After that, there's about a dozen or so individual little squares to the left of that that need to be filled in. So Monday and Tuesday, we'll be doing all that and Tuesday or Wednesday, we're moving the hoop, going along the bottom of the picture some to continue on. Rough guess, I'd say we're about a quarter of the way done, looking at roughly four hoops across to do everything, and I think we've been working on this 12 weeks now. Have to check my records with the couple of breaks in there, but that seems about right. So 4 months to do a quarter, extrapolate that out, we're looking at another year of stitching to go, which will mean early 2023 we finish, since we'll have at least one break in 2022 for SGDQ. And we'll see what else. But that at least gives us a little clearer picture on our timing and all.

Meanwhile, as I said, very productive three weeks, got that whole corner taken care of. We're actually starting to get something to look at that's recognizable: we've got the wolf's nose and the start of his lower jaw. More to the right when we move the hoop, we'll get more of the wolf, so that'll become clearer. Couple of minor mistakes this week, but got those taken care of. You may recall a while ago I had an issue with two similar looking symbols and mixing them up? Well, that came back to bite us again. As you can see from the included color list (question came up of the total number of colors and it's 35. And as you can see, more than half are "grey"), 3022 and 3072 are both based on the number 9. One's in a box, one isn't and yeah, that's confusing (pattern makers, make a note of this). The odd part, too, is all the other symbols are very different from one another, so not sure why those two are almost the same. Anyway, the fortunate part is I only did 10-12 stitches of the wrong color, it still stands out, I caught it as I was stitching, so could remember what I had just done to undo it, so not a huge deal. Other mistake was even easier to fix: I didn't stitch enough. Working on some of the black and between the page turns, got lost on where I was and didn't do as much as I needed, which I noticed when trying to fill in the other colors. So that was just a matter of adding another 15-20 stitches to fill in a section. Otherwise, things are going well, got a feel for keeping track of where I am (definitely helps doing this daily rather than here and there), looking forward to moving the hoop again to clean up some of my straggly threads and move on to the next column/continue the outside border.
twilight princess WIP 12-5-21 IMG_20211205_153305358.jpg
twilight princess thread colors symbols.png

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Those symbols are VERY confusing! Glad that you were able to catch that and figure things out! It's looking fantastic! Hope you have a great stitchy week!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. Yeah, thankful I caught things early again but it would be nice if they'd chosen more obvious symbols. And the strange part is all the others are very different from one another. Obviously, with 35 colors, you need a lot of symbols to distinguish/identify the colors, but all the others are clear and easily discernible. Even 317 and 413, fat L and little L as I refer to them, are easy to tell apart. A few letters were used, but there's 20 some that weren't so one of those could have easily been used for one of the two 9s. Eh, it is what it is and hopefully won't be a problem again.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Merry Christmas, all. Three weeks now since our last pic and things are coming along nicely. Almost all of the white/unstitched part of the current hoop is all black, save for a couple of squares here and there, so I should have no trouble finishing this by the end of the year and be ready to move the hoop to head into 2022 (the black is in large patches, so we're doing rows/columns at a time, which goes much faster than a few stitches here and there of a color or it being an odd shape). As you can see, we're actually getting some stuff to look at, can see most of the wolf's jaws, have some context for his ear, etc. Still inclined to move things up next, so we'll get to see more of his face, his eye, get most of him done. Figuring things out roughly, I'd say prolly June or July we'd start doing some of Link himself, but we'll see how things shake out.
twilight princess WIP 12-25 -21 IMG_20211225_130403201.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

it's fun watching this grow!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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