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skater43 stitches Zelda games

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, we're getting there. Still think end of August is pushing it, but almost certain we'll finish early September. Found three big chunks of one color we did this week and while I've gotten that and a couple of other bits done, my current goal is still to finish off the bottom rows/that particular page of the pattern. Depending on how sidetracked I get with other stuff/doing other bits as long as that color is threaded, fully expect to finish the bottom rows Friday or maybe Saturday. Few other decent sized bits of singular colors, so I think we'll have a fair amount to show in our next WIP pic on August 4. And my guess is that will be the last WIP pic. Have to see how close we are, but anticipating it taking another 4-5 weeks to finish, I may just make you guys wait an extra week or two and see the finished project. Jazzed about finishing this (and really excited to see what The Artery comes up with for the framing and colors and all. With 90 something thread colors, there's a ton of variety and who knows what they'll suggest we highlight with the matte and/or frame) and jazzed to get Spirit Tracks going.

It's amazing the money GDQ raises. ESA, the biannual European speedrun charity marathon is going on this week ( ... schedule-1 is the schedule). I knew of it because I follow a number of Europeans on Twitch and several had/will have runs this week (although it's not limited to Europeans, few Americans had runs as well). This week, they are raising money for an Alzheimer's foundation. 4 days in and they've raised about $30,000. Which is awesome and I'm not putting them down or anything. But just goes to show how big GDQ really has become with the number of people watching and donating.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Well, we've crossed the 300 hour mark. At 309 hours into this project now, including today's work. Still thinking we're going to finish first part of September, so current estimate is putting the final time at around 345 hours, but we'll see how this month goes. More than likely, this will be the last WIP pic. We'll see where we are in three weeks and if I think there's still a substantial amount of stitching left, I'll give another update. Otherwise, you guys will just have to wait for the finished project. And we're getting there. We moved the hoop right, so most of the remaining work is filling out this hoop. Then we'll move things up and join up with what we stitched a few weeks ago. By sheer luck, I placed the hoop in such a position that I was able to get the lower right corner of the picture. As I was getting close to the corner, I was afraid I'd have to shift the hoop, but no, we just barely snuck those corner stitches in. Most of last week was spent on the bottom 10 rows of the picture because those are on one page of the pattern, so I wanted to get that page done and not have to scroll between pages. This week, we finished the 4th medallion and surrounding stitches. Current work, as you can see, is working up the right side of the picture, working on filling out that border. Because we'll be moving the hoop up and likely slightly left, I want to work my way up from the bottom right essentially so that we can move the hoop and finish everything off.

I also picked up Flipull for AGDQ 2025 from The Artery last week. They were going to email a picture of it so I could send that to you guys, but they haven't yet. So I'll hit them up for that. Otherwise, Mom and I can take one with more reflections and generally not as good. Either way, near future, should have a pic of that to send along so you can see what the final product looks like.
minish cap wip 8-4-24 IMG_20240804_160854.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by blackmageheart »

I know it's been a while since you posted the update, but I've been recovering from surgery and haven't been on my computer! Anyway, just wanted to say it's looking really good!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

No sweat. Hoping everything went good with the surgery and that you're recovering nicely. And if you thought things looked good in the last post, check this one out. :)

Yes, Minish Cap is complete! Clocking it at 329 hours, so ahead of most of my estimates. I put in an extra hour on Wednesday and Thursday, mostly because I saw I was getting close and wanted to finish before/on today. Was going to be at Mom's, so opportunity to take a picture, plus grab supplies to start Spirit Tracks, and could stop by The Artery afterwards to drop it off (alas, the gal who does the framing is out of town for a couple of days, so I'll have to wait until Tuesday to drop it off/see what ideas she has for framing it). But here we go, a little over a year after we started it, it is complete. Obviously, past couple of weeks went faster/easier than I was expecting, but no complaints here. And in general, we saved ourselves a ton of time not stitching the white on the outside. Pattern called for 10 or so columns of white to the right and left of what we did, all the way up to about 10 rows above our picture. So there's a few hundred/maybe even a couple thousand stitches we skipped. White background is good enough. Now, the white within the picture, yeah, that we stitched, but none of the outside stuff. Long project, but no major mistakes or hiccups. Lot of color switching, which is obviously slower than just doing a bunch of one color, but all those colors are what help give it that bright look, and add to the stained glass look. As I say, each picture is different with its own challenges. But that also means each has its own look and really looking forward to seeing what we come up with the frame, matte, etc. With 90+ colors used, there's a lot to draw on, so really curious what the focus is going to be.

Side note: not seeing the forest through the trees, I never noticed the Picori (little elves in the game) below/to the right of Link until looking at the whole picture. You get caught up in following the pattern/focusing on what color goes where, you can miss some of the details.

And with Minish Cap done, tomorrow we jump into Spirit Tracks. Princess Zelda is playable for the first time in this series (controlled by the player. She was part of the final fights in Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, but computer controlled) in Spirit Tracks, so wanted to make sure she was part of the picture. And, as the name implies, trains/tracks are a key part of the gameplay/Link's primary means of getting around the land. This is basically the cover of the box, with things like the title and a few little things edited out. Credit where credit is due: a big thank you to @blackmageheart for creating the actual pattern. I'd also like to give thanks to @ovi.sergiu . I didn't use their pattern, but I appreciate them taking the time to put one together and to get the ball rolling.

At 180x180, this will be our longest project yet due to the number of stitches (32,000. Twilight Princess was 27,000. Harder to estimate Minish Cap because of the curve and all the white I didn't stitch, but that was prolly around 22,000 stitches). Super Mario Bros. and Adventure of Link, both being full NES screenshots are bigger in terms of size (256x224), but much of those I didn't have to stitch. We're stitching all of this. Thought about using a light blue background to save stitching some of the sky, but because of how the colors interweave and such, I thought it would look better texture-wise if we stitched everything. But we have our supplies ready to go, so looking forward to jumping into this. Got 5+ months to get a start on this before we pause for GDQ stuff (have a pattern all ready to go for SGDQ 2025 and possible ideas for AGDQ 2026), so a chance to get a chunk of it done. Time-wise, no idea how long this is going to take. As I said, way more stitches than anything we've done, though we won't be having to switch colors as often as Minish Cap. Just to throw a number out there to give us a starting point, we'll say 400 hours, and then once we start stitching/things progress, we can adjust that number.
spirit tracks preview.jpg
minish cap done 8-22-24 IMG_20240824_104415.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by blackmageheart »

I'm getting there, slowly! but getting there!
MC looks excellent, and really looking forward to seeing how ST turns out!
skater43 wrote:
Sat Aug 24, 2024 11:51 am
Side note: not seeing the forest through the trees, I never noticed the Picori (little elves in the game) below/to the right of Link until looking at the whole picture. You get caught up in following the pattern/focusing on what color goes where, you can miss some of the details.
This is SO true - years ago stitched a very large crest style title screen piece from one of my favourite games and didn't realise until stitching it that there were little pictures in the design (and relevant to the lore too!) Also I was telling my kid this the other day but I once stitched a statue from Ecco the Dolphin and on stitching realised he was completely naked :grin: :grin:
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Out of town this weekend, so WIP pic a little early. Plan to take this with me, but doubt I'll actually have much time to work on it. We'll see. Anyway, first WIP pic and admittedly, not much to look at so far. But, have to start somewhere (this is about 14 hours worth of work including today because we paused for a couple of weeks to work on a surprise secret project. See my other thread ... &start=150 for details). Also zoomed out for the pic to show the overall scope of things, but subsequent pics will be in tighter to show what we're working on better. What we're looking at is the lower left part of the train. Ghost Princess Zelda will be in the hoop+ above where we're working, Link sticking his head out of the cab of the train further to the right. Unlike Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, some of those projects, there's not a lot of "stuff" to look at/recognize, so it'll take a while for things to start taking shape, but we'll get there. Things are going well so far. Some decent sized patches of same color, so most of the corner here is completely filled to where we've left off at this moment (the brown curving toward the lower right of the hoop continues further right and then curves up, but that's where the thread I had loaded ran out, so seemed good enough spot to leave things to work on other parts. I may do a bit more and leave things hanging for when we move the hoop to the right, but we'll see after I fill in more of the middle/upper right of the hoop). Going up and down in columns seemed to work well for Minish Cap and I think we did the same for Twilight Princess, so we'll likely do the same here. But I may move right next, just to try that out or to get to Link first before Zelda. But, we've got at least a few weeks before we're moving the hoop, so we have time to figure that out and see how things are coming together. But excited to get this underway and have a chance to show off what we've got going so far. And thanks again to @blackmageheart for putting the pattern together. Pattern is easy to read, symbols/colors are distinct and easy to follow. So if there's any mishaps or issues along the way, the fault lies with me. :)
spirit tracks wip 9-20-24 IMG_20240920_135205.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Minish Cap looks fantastic!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: And what a great start for Spirit Tracks!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, really pleased with how Minish Cap turned out: bright and vibrant, really captures the stained glass look. Can't wait to see the final product all framed up and to share it with you guys.

Spirit Tracks is coming along nicely. Moved the hoop up yesterday, so we've made some real progress. Had some nice big chunks of color to stitch, so that always help move things along and fill things in. Plan to take the next WIP pic this weekend so you can see how much is done now.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Here we go, next WIP pic and as we can see, a ton of progress has been made since last time. 36 hours in now, including today's work and we've already moved the hoop up. Did that early last week, so had a chance to not only clean up some of the loose threads, but also make some progress in filling in the new hoop location. Have more of the front of the train completed in the middle/to the right and have some nice greenery off to the left. Just started a huge patch of sky that I'm guessing will take me most of the rest of the week to finish and may actually require waiting until we move the hoop up again to finish. But that'll knock out a big chunk of the left side of our hoop. Have more of the front of the train taking up much of the middle and right side of our hoop, but we will also have a chance to start on the bottom of Zelda's dress. So next hoop move up, we'll be finishing her, so you guys will have something clear and definite to look at/identify. Quite a ways from there still, but that's our current objective if you will. Even with the nice big patches of colors, I doubt seriously we'll be moving the hoop up again before next WIP pic, but end of Novemberish, we should have it moved up. Halfway point up the side is about 10 stitches above what I've stitched on the left hand side, so middle/end of January we'll have finished our left edge and started defining the top edge? We'll see. Long way off, so hard to predict accurately. And that might be our pause for GDQ prizes. Have a pattern created for SGDQ 2025 and it is less ambitious than King Zora was, but I may still start it a little earlier, just to give me that extra time, just in case. Have some maybe ideas for AGDQ 2026, but haven't figured out exactly which I want to use or made a pattern yet. But we'll worry about that in a couple of months. Meantime, Spirit Tracks is making progress and coming together nicely.

And, as a bonus, just picked up Minish Cap from The Artery. Unfortunately, the main framer is out of town for the rest of the month, so you'll have to deal with Amateur Photography Hour from me, rather than the nice pictures she usually sends along. But, you can still get the gist of how it looks. Went with the bright metallic frame because that fit the style and coloration of the picture. 90+ colors used in the picture, so we had a lot of options to work with for frame, matte, etc. Anyway, very pleased with the final product and definitely think the frame and all add a lot to the picture.
spirit tracks wip 10-13-24 IMG_20241013_154734.jpg
minish cap framed IMG_20241013_154524.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

You are zoom right along on Spirit Tracks! And the frame job on Minish Cap is great...and so is your pic!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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