This isn't technically a video game, but it's a board game dungeon crawler, close enough right? My boyfriend picked up this game shortly before christmas, and I have been painting like crazy ever since. So far I am have spent around 70 hours painting, luckily I had 2 weeks off of work during the holidays so I had plenty of free time. There is still an AT-ST, Luke Skywalker, and around 5 more hereos to paint before I am done.
Also this is a fantastic board game!! I have played Descent for years and this is an improved reskinned version of that game. I highly reccomend it to any star wars fan or board gamer
Here are the pics:
Imperial Guards, Droids, Stormtroopers with big guns
Darth Vader (still needs some touch ups), a Wookie, & a Smuggler
Trandoshans & Imperial Officers