Everyone that knows me is already aware, but I think it’s pretty obvious that I like Final Fantasy games. So of course I love to see stitched pieces from some of my favourites! One of the latest is Final Fantasy: Record Keeper, a game for mobile devices. It’s very fun, and has some wonderful sprites!
Delver01 from the forums seems to agree! He’s cross stitched a couple of his favourite ones.

Both pieces are stitched “over two” on 28ct oatmeal linen. Sephiroth has 2,248 stitches in 12 colours, while Ifrit has 3,345 stitches in 19 colours.
I have to say, they turned out very nicely indeed! This Mage thinks she may have to go dig out that folder of Record Keeper sprites and get stitching! (Any suggestions would, of course, be very welcome!)
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