Fallout 3 Oil Painting
James Barnett paints some beautiful video game scenes. This one of megaton in fallout 3 is my favorite but his site has a bunch more! jamesbarnett.net
James Barnett paints some beautiful video game scenes. This one of megaton in fallout 3 is my favorite but his site has a bunch more! jamesbarnett.net
This guy is great. He combines video games with pop culture. However, whilst we do see a few people like this, Blake Wheeler is different. He not only paints them, but you can purchase the originals for really reasonable prices. … Continued
Graffiti is not only getting more creative, but so much cooler. Back in my youth we never had anything so clever. Via [miki800]
Do I need to tell you how awesome this is? Because I’m going to anyway. Its awesome! Via [9GAG]
This beautiful illustration of Pit is done on a wood panel which gives is a unique touch. Via [Etsy] $20
The idea of charmander being a lot like a pokemon lighter isn’t new. In fact there is even a charmanader in the series called Zippo. However. this is the first time I’ve seen this zippo charmanader. Both fire breathing and … Continued
Everything this girl makes is amazing, but as this is a video game blog I just had to share her Mass Effect shoes. These portraits of  Grunt and Legion are true works of art. She says they were done with … Continued